A woman in her 30s

gets an abortion

on the day that Roe v.

Wade is overturned…


She and her best friend

are guilted into attending

an impromptu

engagement party…


Eeva wakes up from her abortion to the dystopian reality of a world suddenly post Roe. Also, the penis behind her pregnancy (Mel) makes a last minute decision to show up to the clinic with “exactly half” of the abortion cost. Ugh but he is so hot…

Fortunately her best friend, Baby, is waiting for her. Unfortunately Baby’s developed an obsession with a soap opera that’s on in the clinic waiting room—this may or *may not* be a product of Baby’s compartmentalization of her own abortion from a year ago…which is totally fine. Until characters from the show start showing up in the apartment.

And then they go to a birthday party that turns into an engagement party and Mel shows up and well, shit hits the fan.

Surreal, funny and sincere, Rabbit Rabbit is based on our own abortion experiences. It's also about the friendships that keep us sane as our reproductive rights are being stripped away.


  • EEVA

    33, White.

    Actual. Manic. Pixie.

    Best friends/roommates with Baby.

    Social butterfly, but with teeth.

    Just had her first abortion.

    Yes, they were wearing a condom (not that that should matter).

    * Played by: Poppy Golland

  • BABY

    33, White.

    Over grown child.

    Best friends/roommates with Eva.

    Loner. Cowboy energy.

    Had an abortion a year ago but hasn’t processed her feelings about it.

    No, she doesn’t regret it (not that that should matter).

    *Played by: Cassidy Slaugter-Mason


    Mid 20s, Palestinian-American.

    Bubbly, but with feral eyes.

    About to be engaged to Al.

    Rebel. Cheerleader. Boss.

    Has never been pregnant, and grateful…

    …But down to talk about it (we don’t talk about it)!

    *Played By: Gloria Imseih Petrelli

  • AL

    Tech Success.

    Eeva and Baby’s best friend.

    About to be engaged to Bowie.

    “Had an abortion once” with an ex.

    *This part is not cast

  • MEL


    Friends with Al.

    The dude behind Eeva’s pregnancy.

    Trying (unsuccessfully) to do the right thing.

    *This part is not cast